Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Geometric Terms

This section simply lists the basic Geometric terms:

*POINT - any given spot, points are named with capitol letters; Point A

*LINE - a straight line that never ends, named with lower case Script letters

*PLANE - a flat surface that reaches out forever, named by any three points that are on that same plane; plane ABC

*CONGRUENT - two lines or geometric figures that are exactly the same

*LINE SEGMENT - an area of a line defined by 2 points on that line, they are named for those 2 points; segment AB

*MIDPOINT - a point that is in the exact middle of a line segment, this point divides the segment into equal halves

*ENDPOINT - a point on the end of a line segment or ray

*RAY - a line extending from one endpoint and continues forever, named by listing the endpoint and then another point on the ray; ray AB

*ANGLE - an angle is made by two rays extending from the same endpoint, named by listing a point on one ray, the endpoint, and the a point on the other ray; angle ABC

*DEGREE - type of measurement used to show amount of opening between the two rays of an angle

*ACUTE ANGLE - angle measures less than 90 degrees

*RIGHT ANGLE - an angle measuring exactly 90 degrees

*OBTUSE ANGLE - an angle measuring greater than 90 degrees

*BISECT - when an line or point divides a geometric figure into exact halves.

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